5 Tips to Save Money on Winter Energy Bills

February 15, 2023 | Beavercreek

We all feel the pain of rising energy costs. These days, we want to save money whenever possible. Luckily, when it comes to energy bills, there are some steps you can take to lower the cost and remain comfortable. Continue reading to learn more from the team at Allied Services, Inc.

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3 Tips to Lower Your Heating Bill this Winter

November 15, 2022 | Heating

Winter is coming. That means lower temperatures and higher energy bills. Your furnace will already be working to keep your home comfortable. So what steps can you take to help your furnace and save yourself some money? Here are three tips from the team at Allied Services, Inc.

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When Should You Turn on the Furnace?

October 15, 2022 | Dayton

Summer always seems to come to an abrupt end in Ohio, leaving homeowners wondering when they should turn on their furnace system. The real answer is that it depends. The World Health Organization recommends not letting the home drop below 64.4 degrees on average or 69.8 degrees if kids or someone elderly live in the home. Of course, personal preference plays a factor, and you may like keeping your home a little warmer than your neighbor. When you are ready to turn on the furnace, use these tips from Allied Service, Inc. to ensure everything is in working order.

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3 Common Furnace Mistakes You Could Be Making

February 20, 2020 | Dayton

It’s the middle of winter here in the Midwest and our furnaces are working overtime to keep our homes warm and toasty, so the least we can do is make sure we aren’t making their job even harder. Our team at Allied Services, Inc. sees and diagnoses multiple furnace issues, many of which could be avoided with the proper knowledge. So, to make sure your furnace is able to do its job efficiently, avoid these three common mistakes that homeowners make.

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3 HVAC Tips During Winter Weather

January 18, 2017 | Heating

Do you ever feel like your HVAC never shuts off during the winter? While you want to keep your family warm, the noise of that air circulating can often sound like money just slipping through your fingers. Instead of just forking over your hard-earned cash each month, make sure you’ve done all you can to maximize your HVAC this winter. To do just that, follow these few tips from our crew at Allied Services, Inc.

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